Friday, November 3, 2017

Animated .gif

My Animated .gif

My first efforts in developing my own animated .gif was coming up with a rocket surprise ending. The techniques applied was all taught by my graphic design teacher and the story I created is about an alien that just came to earth from outer space. 

Rocket Surprise Ending

KeyClub Animated gif.

My school themed gif I chose was Key Club
I decided on this school theme because I am a member of this club and I think that this club can be a blessing and can help other people. I discovered that KeyClub is important for the society and that more people joining the club will benefit the society.

My animated gif message was to inform and educate people that Key Club is a beneficial, useful, and fun club to join and be a part of.

I believe the intended audience, like students who are interested in making an impact to the society, will respond to my animation because the animation clearly informs the audience what Key Club does and the advantages that Key Club can give.

I sent the gif to the teacher in charge of this club, Ms, Misawa, but have not receive a response from her.

What I would do differently with my next project would be making better projects with better results in terms of creativity and detail of work.